Saturday, May 23, 2015

#1: Alpine sunset

Here starts a new line of pastel paintings: Alpine Mountains!
And do you know why?
Basically mountains stay the same during years. But the sun, the weather and our feelings inside make them to be different every time in the moment in which you look at them. In this line of paintings, you will see how many variations of feelings and emotions could be projected on the same mountains.

"Alpine mountains: romantic sunset" 29cm x 42cm  Pastel on Canson paper

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Papavero Italiano

In Italy is already summer. You can see everywhere flowers, and poppies in this sense are really champions. From little drops of red near the bus station in the city to huge fields strewn with them. 

''Papavero italiano'' pasrtel on Canson paper  16cm x 21cm

Silent mystery

Mountains have their own wisdom and mystery. Being in the mountains, they call you to a challenge. The challenge of a journey to find yourself. But only you decide which path to choose. All of the paths are covered by the mystery of their millennial wisdom. One of them is about silence and meditation. Try to hear and discover yourself in this journey of mysterious mountain philosophy.
''Silent mystery'' pastel on paper 15cm x 20cm