Thursday, October 23, 2014

Taste the Moldavian Autumn!

The weather has changed into cold and rainy one. It's not sad, but it makes me stay inside and recover myself after a flu. In order to not waist the priceless time, I'm going to present the other side of Moldavian Autumns: yellow fragrant quinces and juicy grapes!
 What can be more suggestive?
"Moldavian Autumn" pastel 12x23cm
" A basket with quinces" pastel 34x23cm


This year autumn offers an unexpected color show! Personally, I tried to spend my free time enjoying the warm weather and relaxing with my pastels outside. Take a look what has been obtained :)
"Golden Autumn" pastel on Canson paper  29x14cm

"Russian motif" pastel  20x12cm

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moldavian landscape

What can be more pleasant for the soul then enjoying a middle summer scenery from your native country?!
Probably, it depends, but personally for me this is associated with peace and happiness. I'd spent my childhood in a small village in the heart of Moldova, and the local landscapes penetrated deeply in my soul. There was a happy and carefree time. So, I can't hide the excitement of admiring a piece of paradise!

"Moldova" Pastel 4x6''

Happy flower

It's so glad to admire when it is in blossom, because this is Gladiolus. :)

"Gladioli" Pastel  15x21cm

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer Sketchbook: Flowers(part 3)

Summer hasn't finished yet, and the sketchbook is filling with new and fresh ideas inspired by nature.

"Snails invasion" Ink on paper  10x15cm

"Violet in the shade" Pastel  10x15cm

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summer Sketchbook: Favorite color (part 2)

My favorite color is yellow. Why? Because it makes me smile every time, and it gets up my mood anywhere I see it. It has an energizing effect on me. Probably an artist wouldn't have to like a specific color, but I can not resist in front of beautiful natural yellow of wheat fields, sun-flowers fields, meadows, steppes, forests in fall and all kind of springs flowers.
Here are some quick sketches of yellow cone-flowers.

"A little Sun" Pastel on craft paper  14x10cm
''Sweet yellow"  Pastel on craft paper  14x10cm
But what is your favorite color?

Summer Sketchbook: The Wild Carrot

Summer had never been so colorful like it is this year! Probably, I haven't noticed that earlier because I wasn't so hooked on pastel painting?! Who knows... But this summer I have a great desire to paint everything I see, especially landscapes and flowers. 
Firstly, taking advantage of my small vacation I decided to escape from city life into a village area. And finally, I've found my small paradise: large meadows full of wild steppe flowers and wonderful Moldavian sceneries.
So, the flowers are the main theme of this beautiful and hot season, and here are some of my sketches. 

"Meadow: The shame"  Pastel  9x14cm
Once, my grandmother told me a legend about this flower. Many-many years ago the wild carrot flower looked different: the dark-red dot in the middle was larger and the people in the world were more decent, modest and kindhearted. Now, this dot is getting smaller and smaller, and when it disappears at all people will forget about the shame, and the world will become more cruel and careless. That's why it's called the Shame-flower. Seemes to be true!

"Queen Anne's lace" Pastel  10x15cm
The wild carrot or Daucus carota catched my attention, and I was surprised finding another name and another story. The flower was introduced and naturalised in North America, where it is known as "Queen Anne's lace". It is called so because the flower resembles lace; the red flower in the center is thought to represent a blood droplet where Queen Anne (Queen of Great Britain) pricked herself with a needle when she was making the lace. A nice and beautiful story.
 So, it depends on you which one you trust, but it's all about legend, because the function of the tiny red flower, coloured by anthocyanin, is to attract insects.
 But, if You know another story about the wild carrot flower, I would like to hear it! :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Trip's sketches

"Tara Oltului" Pastel on Canson, 10x15cm

In the middle of this summer I had a car trip through the Carpati Mountains in Romania. Unfortunately, I had not the possibility to stop and admire all the beauties, I was on a business-trip. But he sceneries took my breath away. Green fabulous forests, giant cliffs and quick mountains rivers accompanied us.  Along the mountains range there were small villages. All the houses had red clay tiles on the roofs, and each villages was crowned by a high church. After we had passed the mountains, wide fields with lavenders, daisies and wheat appeared on the mountains background. If only I could stay there longer....
"FairyLand" Pastel on Canson, 16x22cm

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lilies dream

"Lilies dream", pastel and ink on color paper, 210x150mm
"Lilies", pastel on color paper, 210x150mm

I like lilies. They are gorgeous and stoutly, and they look royal. Not in vain, they are the symbol of royalty. But their smell is just astonishing and pretty sweet. They lull you into a marvel dream.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lovely poppies

It is well known that poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep and death. It may be obvious because of the opium extracted from them; and the blood-red color of the petals.
But I'm wondering how does this delicate and soft small flower could inherit only negative meaning? If you saw a wheat field full of poppies, you would enjoy the scenery, wouldn't you? But would you immediately recall about the sad symbols of these flowers?
I had done a small research about it, and I've found that poppies are also the flowers of youth and beauty in Slav's culture. Slavs young girls used to plait fresh red poppies in their hair at the wedding ceremony. Also, in Greek mythology, poppies are the sign of fertility in the wheat fields. So, poppies aren't so negative as it was supposed. They are peaceful, and their red color is so vivacious, full of beauty and love.
Finally, I can't imagine a Moldavian mid-summer landscape without red strokes of poppies.
Pastel with watercolor underpainting on paper, 21cmx29cm

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I'm very happy and proud that finally in Moldova has been launced an internet shop of presents. here you can find original and exclusive things. All of them are 100% handmade. But the most important is that here you can buy my art-works. Moreover, all of them are framed, and just waiting to beautify your house! Don't miss your chance ;)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

La cirese (Try the cherries!)

Which is the taste of the summer?
Here in Moldova, in my small beautiful country, I believe that the juicy and sweet cherries describe perfectly this taste.
So, the weather outside is practically the same. Firstly, the air is full with blossoms's smell. Secondly, the fresh wind claims you for walking and admiring all these beauties. And finally, the short summer rains refresh the nature, making it to become greener and to blossom more and more.
And the red and ripe cherries cannot be absent in the beginning of the summer!
Pastel on Canson, 21x21cm

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Mysterious Iris

Today my imagination took me in a magic world, where blossom the Mysterious Iris.
Pastel on Canson with tin dots, 15x20cm

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sping's paradise flower

For many people tulip is a typical spring flower, but it has a much more interesting story hidden behind her colourful petals. So, being the main topic for Persian poets from the thirteenth century , this gentle and gorgeous flower is the symbol of the paradise on the earth.

Pastel with watercolour underpainting (15x20cm) 

And anothe study with pastel only (15x20cm)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring mood

When I was traveling by car through the forest, my attention was attracted by the young small shining leaves. The effect was fantastic!
Pastel on Canson paper, 15x20cm

Summer butterfly

One more new butterfly in my tendre and subtle series. A summer colourful butterfly among the coneflowers.
Pastel on Canson paper, 15x20cm

Friday, April 11, 2014

Be my butterfly series continue

I can't leave this romantic and beautiful theme! When I'm drawing them I feel how my soul flies away, where the sunny dreams become real and the spirit of love lead the world. Enjoy this feeling!

Pastel, watercolor and clear gesso for texture, 15x21cm (6x8inch).

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Clear gesso - oil effect

Today I've experimented with a new technique for pastel, and I was  pleasantly surprised of it. This technique I've read on the one of my favorite blog. The most amazing thing is that using the primer clear gesso, offers the possibility to create the effect of oil painting with soft pastel. Here is today's sketch of narcissus flower with pastel, watercolor underpaintig and clear gesso,15x21cm.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Royalty Dark-Blue

However this flower of wisdom and courage inspires me every time I see it, I can't stop drawing it. The shapes and the colors in the moon's light took my breath away.
"Royalty Dark-Blue"   29x21cm    Pastel

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Moon's Iris

This is a small series of pastel paintings on a delicate mysterious theme. The Iris flower is well known from ancient mythologies, and the symbolical meaning of it is great...
(21x29cm) 3xPastel paintings
In this series I was inspired by the correlation between the moon's light reflection, the flower growing evolution and the energy transformation.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Be my butterfly

 Specially for St. Valentine's Day, I've created a series of 8 small pastel paintings. 
8x6"(15x21cm) pastel on colored Canson

Why did I choose butterfly? The way I see it is the effect caused by this strange and pleasant love. I mean the butterflies in the stomach. I think everybody felt it at least once in his life. 
So, why does your darling person can't be your butterfly?!
 Moreover, the feeling of love brings you wings to fly far away. Just enjoy it!


Daca  vezi mesajul, inseamna ca totul merge bine! :)